Engagement Ring

Trending Gold Engagement Ring Designs Collection At Kay Jewelers, Jared Jewelers, And Zales Jewelers

Wide Collection Of Gold Engagement Ring Designs For Couple

It was when I was proposing to my lady that I actually thought of the ring that I would give her. I went looking for the best ones all around the place, but all I found was the normal gold engagement ring, similar designs. I was particular about Kay Jewelers Engagement Rings as I thought it was traditional and all the reading I did tell me so. There is a lot of history that goes back into how gold came to be known as a metal that was used for such symbolic jewelry.


Gold Engagement Ring Designs History

There are several stories which say that Egyptians were the first to bring this tradition of eternity rings which were just bands of the metal with probably precious stones studded into it and it was the Greeks who started placing it on the fourth finger, the ring finger, of the left hand. This had a beautiful reason behind it too, which was the fact that they thought that a vein that led straight to the heart was from that finger. All these mystical reasons actually prompted me to give my wife a beautiful Jared Jewelers Engagement Rings, but I wanted something peculiar and out of the ordinary.

On further research, I was intrigued by a white gold engagement ring. This was fabulous because the white color looked beautiful with the diamond. This was when I decided to get one of these patterns. The kind of stones that you use can also vary. It is not necessary that you stick with diamonds always. You can even use other varieties of stones that symbolize so many beautiful things.

Most Affordable Gold Engagement Ring Designs For Couple

I had this image of a ring in my mind and when I talked to the Zales Jewelers Engagement Ring jeweler regarding that, he said he could put that particular design to into the ring. Wasn’t I proud? I thought this was even better than the platinum as it was cheaper and gave the same kind of look. The white gold engagement ring was out of the ordinary and most beautiful.

Gold Engagement Ring Designs For Couple At Kay Jewelery Stores, Jared Jewelry Stores And Zales Jewelry Stores With Stylish Designs And Top Quality At Best Affordable Prices.Wide Collection Of Trending Kay, Jared And Zales Latest Designs Of Gold Engagement Ring Designs For Couple With Unique Designs And Best Quality.Most Popular Collections Of Jared, Kay And Zales Gold Engagement Ring Designs For Couple.

There are several antique settings too for a ring that will absolutely look marvelous and historic. There were several that I liked when I was choosing. They vibrated with a vintage charm that was so majestic and beautiful.

Stylish Gold Engagement Ring Designs For Couple

If you are looking for a piece for yourself you can actually use this option because this will be out of the ordinary and make it look very charming on your finger. The general taste of men is just a plain band of gold. If you look in the contemporary styling, this plain band of gold will itself look most beautiful. Some people might want to do the selection of the ring together with their partner. You can actually use a bracelet or a similar piece of jewelry instead and select the ring together as this is what will give you consideration of her choice as well.

A gold engagement ring can actually look stunning in contemporary styling and both the partners can get something unique and out of the ordinary rather than jus the plain band with the diamond set on it. You could explore the various options that are available in this case.


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